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Black Crowes

Why see Black Crowes?

The Rockers Return

After reuniting in 2022 after a 14-year hiatus, rock'n'roll brothers Chris and Rich Robinson have announced The Black Crowes will be heading on the 'Happiness Bastards 2024' headlining tour. The tour will be in support of their first studio album in 15 years, 'Happiness Bastards' on March 15th. Known for their southern rock and blues flair, this classic rock act will ensure an evening of headbanging and sing-a-longs.

Although they formed in the mid-'80s Black Crowes became internationally known with the release of "Shake Your Money Maker" in 1990. This debut album hit number four in the US charts and became multi-platinum! Their success continued with a string of chart-topping albums ("The Southen Harmony and Musical Companion", "America" and "Three Snakes and One Charm") before the group disbanded (for the first time) in the early 2000's. 

Although their later years were consumed by in-fighting between the two brothers, Chris and Rich never lost their love of Black Crowes. On their come-back, Rich said "We love this music. We're musicians. We're brothers. We love each other" and Chris said "There's no extraneous stuff. This is the purest Balck Crowes that people first [heard]... I hope we reconnect with some people who lost their way with us." (Rolling Stone) 

Don't miss your chance to fall back in love with Black Crowes as they hit the road once again!


Customer reviews

23 reviews, average rating: (4.0 Stars)


Not very personable not much interaction with the crowd

Chris was being Drowned out by the rest of the band, I will say he was the only one trying to interact with the audience everybody else just looked sour and like they did not want to be there! I guess what I mean is they did not look like they were having fun! But I love your music … love u ... Read more

Ivy Gouthier

Praise Crowes

Hallelujah and praise the Black Crowes. I knelt at the alter of Brother Chris Robinson this Sunday night in Austin, TX and I have been healed. This is my 9th time witnessing the power of the almighty and it might as well have been the first time I saw them open for Robert Plant in San Antonio at the Sunken Garden’s Theater back in 1990. Chris still has it going on! I mean to declare, WHAT A VOICE and what range!!!! And that Rich. Wailing away with a different guitar for every day of the year. He shined so beautifully, I just couldn’t look away. Shake your money maker and whatever you have left over after seeing these guys! Rock on my brothers! Can’t wait for the 10th time! All my love and thanks!!! ... Read more


Holy Motherforking CROWES!!

That was amazing. My husband and I last saw them in at a Loudon County outdoor venue about 15 years ago and it was great. The show last night however was absolutely incredible! We sat in the upper deck Loge section and the seats couldn't be better. The volunteers were helpful and friendly. The Black Crowes were so dynamic and inspired. Chris's powerful voice, infectious dancing and spirit, coupled with the talented background singers and the audience singing along amounted to a spiritual and transcendent evening!!!! Rich and the Band were phenomenal and destroyed every song. The Wolftrap pavillion was stunning and bathed in twilight and the sound was awesome. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I'm out. ... Read more
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