Customer Reviews for Criss Angel: Mindfreak
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I wish there was Negative stars
Let me tell you... Pros: the music is loud, nice videos and that is about it! you get in and they waste at least 15 minutes of your time in photo ops and BS about pushing ppl to boost the guy's ego. the tricks are nothing but a joke. Nothing I mean nothing that is wow. He elevates which was the highlight behind a netted screen haha seriously and you can see the cables. you basically pay $80 minumum to watch videos ...he has decided that he is a stand up comedian...talks about cancer asking for donation and the rest is all video clips of him... hmm I could have done that for free watching Youtube. Save yourself a buck and go see a show worth while. total scam! Oh there was a lady in front of us on April 27th at 7PM at row 201 with blonde hair ...if you happen to give a review...what the hell is wrong with you? haha she almost ripped her pants off trying to get his attention